An eco-aware campsite in the Var area, committed to recycling cigarette butts
As you no doubt already know, Les Jardins de La Pascalinette ® in La Londe-les-Maures is an organic, eco-friendly and environmentally-aware campsite, particularly committed to preserving its extraordinary natural assets. Thanks to Recyclop ®, and with the help of our campers, we have now taken the protection of our fabulous exceptional vegetation a step further!
What is Recyclop?

A single cigarette butt can wreak havoc on our natural ecosystems and the plant and animal species that live there. That’s why, in 2015, the association Recyclop ® came up with the idea of fighting against cigarette butt pollution using ground-breaking recycling methods that transforms this waste product into power.
And rather than considering smokers as a problem to be fought, Recyclop ® – recognized as an association working in the general interest of humanity – decided to work with them via a proactive approach. Instead of making them feel guilty, the association calls on their common sense and encourages them to take an active part in protecting the environment.

We recycle your cigarette butts!
How does it work?
1) Special ashtrays available
2) Selective sorting
3) Pooled collection service
4) Conversion into energy
But how does it work?

It’s simple! Now that our four-star campsite Les Jardins de La Pascalinette ® is working in collaboration with Recyclop ®, smokers are invited to dispose of their cigarette butts in the special ashtrays located around the campsite. The ashtrays are then emptied into a recovery barrel located next to the campsite’s waste containers. Next, the barrel is collected by association and the cigarette butts are transformed into a power source by the Spur Environnement factory.
And that’s it! The cigarette butts are used to produce actual electricity! What’s more, since the initiative kicked off in 2015, over 4,000 kilos of cigarette butts have been collected and used to generate 900kW of electricity, i.e. enough to power a whopping 184 homes! As you can imagine, we are thrilled to take part in this virtuous and eco-friendly initiative.
Did you know?
In addition to the fire hazards they represent, cigarette butts are also a genuine disaster for aquatic environments. Containing over 4,000 toxic substances, they can contaminate up to 500 litres of water! Made up of 96% cellulose acetate, aka plastic, they can take up to 12 years to decompose fully… So as you can imagine, they are very harmful indeed to our extraordinarily rich Mediterranean marine plant and animal life!
We are counting on you to actively help us preserve our magnificent Var area, French Riviera-Côte d’Azur!