Dwarf Japanese Pittosporum (tobira)

  • Dwarf Japanese Pittosporum (tobira)
  • Dwarf Japanese Pittosporum (tobira)


A protective plant

The Dwarf Japanese Pittosporum, or Pittosporum tobira, is an ornamental plant native to East Asia, renowned for its delicate beauty and captivating fragrance.

In Japanese culture, the dwarf pittosporum is often associated with the tranquillity and serenity of traditional gardens. That’s why we love it so much here at our four-star campsite Les Jardins de La Pascalinette ® in La Londe! Its evergreen foliage and little white flowers perfume the air with a sweet fragrance, creating a soothing and meditative atmosphere.

Interestingly, the dwarf pittosporum is said to protect against evil spirits.

In Japanese tradition, planting this shrub near the entrance to the house or garden was believed to ward off negative energies and bring good fortune.

In addition to its symbolic attributes, the Japanese dwarf pittosporum is appreciated for its practical uses. Its dense, evergreen foliage makes it an excellent choice for hedges and borders – perfect for ensuring the privacy of your mobile home! In addition, its fragrant flowers attract pollinators, hence contributing to the biodiversity of our gardens.

Florists often use its foliage to garnish and decorate bouquets.

Powerful symbolism

Today, the dwarf Japanese pittosporum beautifies landscapes and captivates gardeners the world over. Its discreet beauty and cultural significance make it a true horticultural treasure, reminding us of the richness of nature and ancient traditions.

The Japanese dwarf pittosporum is much more than just a decorative plant; it is a symbol of peace, protection and beauty, whose presence adds a touch of magic to every garden.

East to spot thanks to its sweet smell of orange blossom, it is one of the first bushes you will come across at your favourite nature campsite in the Var, French Riviera-Côte d’Azur! So, watch out for it when you arrive for your holiday!

Where to find it at the campsite
You can admire dwarf pittosporum in the “Jardin des grenadiers” (nr. 3 on the botanical footpath plan).


Latin name :Pittosporum tobira ‘nana’
Family :pittosporaceae
Genus :Pittosporum
Species :tobira
Color :Green to pale green foliage
Subspecies :'nana'
Origin :New Zealand, Australia, New Caledonia, Japan, China
Foliage :Evergreen
Port :Rounded, compact
Height :70 cm à 1,50 m
Flowering :April-June and October/November
Location :Jardin des grenadiers
Dwarf Japanese Pittosporum (tobira)

Did you know?

Some people are allergic to Pittosporum pollen!