Firethorn (Pyracantha)

  • Firethorn
  • Firethorn
  • Firethorn


Pyracantha, the bees’ best friend

Originating from Southern Europe and Asia Minor, Pyracantha, better known by the name Firethorn, is commonly-found in the Var area and is prevalent in the grounds of our four-star campsite Les Jardins de La Pascalinette®.

Its branches are lined with sharp, black thorns. But don’t be put off with it’s rather “aggressive” aspect: it also produces beautifully scented flowers, a profusion of decorative berries and perennial leaves!

This plant is commonly found in the gardens of Provence due to its decorative allure. You may also see it growing wild on our roadsides.

Pyracantha can grow up to 6 metres in height. Its flowers, which bloom between May and July according to the variety, are sweet-scented and melliferous, meaning its nectar is highly appreciated by bees. Our eco-friendly nature campsite is, of course, delighted to offer a pantry to these little insects so vital to our environment!

After flowering, it produces orange-red or yellow berries that contrast beautifully with its deep green foliage. Pyracantha berries are not really toxic, but you should avoid eating them even so! Its very dense structure and young, spiny branches make it perfect for creating an impenetrable hedge. Some varieties are grown as bonsais.

The perfect partner to our exceptional vegetation

A fairly rustic plant that grows equally well in sunshine or semi-shade, it can also withstand negative temperatures of up to -10 to -15°C. What’s more, Pyracantha is little prone to disease, making it one of the darlings of our gardeners – although they do have to prune it from time to time to keep it in check.

Pyracantha is an integral part of the magnificent green haven cherished and nurtured by our gardeners day in and day out, while honouring the eco-friendly values of our campsite. You will be able to spot it easily at various locations throughout the campsite.


Latin name :Pyracantha (Grec)
Family :Rosaceae
Color :White flowers and orange-red or yellow berries
Origin :Southern Europe and Asia Minor
Foliage :Serrated leaves
Port :Spiny ornamental shrub
Height :Up to 6 m
Flowering :June, October, November, December
Location :Against the supermarket walls, the games room walls, and in Allée des Bormettes

Did you know?

It belongs to the same family as the rose bush and apple tree.