Var campsite near Bormes-les-Mimosas
There has to be more than one sun
in the azure skies of the Var!
A flower-filled nature holiday at a campsite near Bormes-les-Mimosas
At your favourite campsite and throughout the Var area…
Mimosa blooms in July!

Tanneron – a hilltop village in the South of France

The kingdom of mimosa, Tanneron is one of the hilltop villages of the Pays de Fayence area

In the Var, French Riviera-Côte d’Azur, home of your four-star campsite Les Jardins de La Pascalinette®, you’ll find sunshine in the sky AND in the trees!

You probably thought the sun only shone in the sky in Provence? Well you’d be wrong! It also shines in the hills of the Var, where it warms our hearts with its radiant yellow colour and regales our noses with its heady, bewitching scent. Tanneron boasts the most beautiful show of mimosa in the Var (and France!) and regularly honours its iconic flower with flower parades and mimosa fairs.

Unfortunately, if you’re visiting the campsite in summer you won’t get a chance to see the mimosa in bloom as the varieties that grow in the forests between Bormes-les-Mimosas and Grasse flower from December to March. But there is a “4 seasons” variety you can admire at a specialist nursery in Tanneron.

Mimosa chenille au camping Les Jardins de La Pascalinette
One of the many varieties of mimosa present at the campsite

Calling all nature camping lovers! Explore Tanneron, a village reputed worldwide for its magnificent flora

Comprising 22 hamlets, this hilltop village offers gorgeous panoramic views over the Alpes-Maritimes area and seaside resorts of Cannes, Antibes, Juan les Pins, etc., all lined with vast mimosa, pine, chestnut and eucalyptus forests.

Walking fans enjoy a host of trails starting out from the village, including the Tanneron Hills and Mimosa Route winding its way from Bormes-Les-Mimosas to Grasse. A feast for the eyes and nose, topped with a wonderfully invigorating walk in the hills of the Var, French Riviera-Côte d’Azur!

  • Tanneron – a hilltop village in the Pays de Fayence area 4/9
  • Latitude : 43.58988
    Longitude : 6.86922