"Provencal Tapenade" recipe

Berenguier Duncan https://commons.wikimedia.org

A very typical Provencal recipe, tapenade is one of our favourite nibbles here at the campsite: we love savouring it with a chilled glass of Rosé de Provence, generally with fresh bread or as a dip served with raw carrot, radish and courgette!

Made with green or black olives, tapenade is fairly simple to whip up: the hardest part is pitting the olives!

  • Choose your desired olives, green or black
  • Pit 250 g of olives
  • Peel and chop a clove of garlic
  • Add capers if desired
  • Add 5 or 6 anchovy fillets
  • Blend while adding a drizzle of olive oil to obtain a paste
  • Enjoy!